This week's shop of the week features a young lady, Ashlee and her appropriately named Etsy shop AshleeBonaparte1! She is both an artist and fellow vintage junkie who lives with her baby daughter Ella, boyfriend James and Cilantro, the kitty. She's only 7 months in on Etsy and already has had over 500 sales! It's a great shop, too - take a look see right now!How did the idea for your business come about?I was about 4 months pregnant and was really bored/wasn't out on the jobforce, so I let me creativity and my eye for vintage things take me over.
What inspires you to keep chugging along? My loyal customers! They are always so fun to work with, and they say nothing but good things about the items I produce!
To what do you attribute your success? Being able to devote an allotted amount of time to go out vintage hunting and brainstorming ideas for jewelry.
Best advice for fellow Etsians aspiring for success in our marketplace? List things in your shop that are attractive to yourself, no matter how off the wall they may be. It's fine to follow trends, but in the long run, people seem to appreciate the more unique and special things you have to offer!
How do you go about marketing your business? I do light advertising through my

Twitter ( and I occasionally purchase showcase spots!
Anything else you'd like to share? I think that if you are a creative person, with a keen sense of style and are looking to share that with the world, I would encourage you to open an etsy shop or start your own website as well!